All Titles - Telarc
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Classics at the Pops - Erich Kunzel
Copland: Appalachian Spring, Hindemith - Louis Lane/Robert Shaw
Dave Brubeck: Classical Brubeck
Dave Brubeck: Private Brubeck Remembers
Dave Brubeck: The 40th Anniversary Tour of the U.K.
David Russell: Art of the Guitar
Debussy: Nocturnes, La Mer, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun - Järvi
Del Tredici: Paul Revere's Ride, etc. - Spano
Dukas: Sorcerer's Apprentice etc. - Cincinnati/Lopez-Cobos
Dupre, Franck, Widor: Organ Works - Michael Murray
Dvorak: Symphony No. 9, Martinu: Symphony No. 2 - Paavo Järvi
Elgar: Enigma Variations, Britten: Young Person's Guide - Paavo Järvi
Epics - Cincinnati Pops Orchestra/Erich Kunzel
Eric Bibb/Rory Block/Maria Muldaur: Sisters & Brothers
Freddy Cole: Merry-Go-Round
From the Isles to the Courts - Ensemble Galilei
Gandolfi: The Garden of Cosmic Speculation - Spano
Geri Allen: The Life of a Song
Gliere: Symphony No. 3 - Botstein
Goldsmith: Christus Apollo etc. - LSO/Goldsmith
Got Swing! - Cincinnati Pops/Kunzel
Great Film Fantasies - Kunzel
Grieg: Holberg Suite, Dvorak/Elgar: Serenade for Strings - Conrad van Alphen
Handel: Music for Royal Fireworks, Water Music - Pearlman

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