User Details - SteveV

  Steve Viltoft

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Transfering SACD and BR audio to AK240?
May 5, 2015
OK, now I am in suspense. Who? Thanks! Steve ... more
Transfering SACD and BR audio to AK240?
May 5, 2015
Oddly enough, my son had an original PS3, but it died a few months ago. Without the PS3 hardware, am I out of luck on converting the SACD discs? 95% of my collection is SACD, with just a handful of Blu Rays. Someone could make a cottage industry out of doing this for folks... Steve ... more
Transfering SACD and BR audio to AK240?
May 5, 2015
I am considering picking up an AK240 for a bunch of planned trips. Is there any way to easily transfer my collection of SACD's and BR discs to that portable player, preserving the audio quality? I have quite a bit of money invested already, and don't want to have to re-purchase that music through an online DSM downloading service. Thanks! Steve ... more
Receiver Advice?
February 18, 2015
Long-time reader and lurker, and looking for some hardware advice from this knowledgeable group. I currently have an Anthem MRX 700 that appears to be giving up the ghost, so I am in the market for a replacement. I have learned that there is a new Anthem MRX 710 out, but want to know if I should consider some other options. I have Paradigm ... more