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Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra - Eschenbach        (3 of 5 found this review helpful)
  May 17, 2006

mixed feelings about this - great to hear the philadelphia back on record, slightly underwhelmed by this particular disc. sonically it's fairly disappointing. i find it lacking in "see-through" transparency, muggy on detail. timps "swim" around a little and rumble. dynamic range seems quite narrow. ... more
Elgar: Violin Concerto etc. - Hilary Hahn        (7 of 12 found this review helpful)
  May 12, 2006

i enjoyed the interpretation and sound more than the other two reviewers - i find the elgar on the whole a very fine performance. i would suggest you don't buy it, though - what spoils it almost totally for me is the pitiful amount of grunting, moaning and sniffing indulged in by conductor sir ... more
Schubert: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 4 - Nott        (4 of 4 found this review helpful)
  April 30, 2006

i find the rear channels more proactively used than wehecht does - in fact i reckon there's more coming out of them than on virtually any other SACD i currently own. it's not by any means the full utilisation you get on the wonderful TACET beethoven syms. 7/8 SACD i reviewed recently, but it ... more
Chopin: Piano Sonatas - Artur Pizarro        (9 of 11 found this review helpful)
  April 27, 2006

The RBCD I thought of most often when listening to Pizarro's interpretation of the Third Sonata here was Rubinstein's stereo RCA recording. That of course is a formidable comparison, but Pizarro much of the time can take it - his playing has the same type of Romantic grandeur combined with sweet ... more
Beethoven: Symphonies Nos. 7 & 8 - Rajski        (12 of 14 found this review helpful)
  April 23, 2006

Now, without wishing to go OTT about it, this is one SACD which I think I can unreservedly recommend to EVERY reader of this website who likes classical music. I'd personally go so far as to rate it as probably the most important issue sound-wise I've come across in listening to multichannel CDs, ... more

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