All Titles - Fonè
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25th fonè Silver Anniversary
Abballati, abballati! - Al Qantarah
Audiophile Trip, Super Audio CD sampler
Bach, Paganini, Massenet - Uto Ughi
Bach: Sei Suites per Violoncello Solo - Rocco Filippini
Bach: Sonatas and Partitas - Salvatore Accardo
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas - Accardo, Tomassi
Bernstein: Serenade, Penderecki: Violin Concerto - Accardo
Brahms: Sonatas for Violin and Piano - Accardo
Brian Smith: Rendezvous
Chopin: Polonaise Brillante, Sonata Op. 65, Gran Duo Concertant
Cocola: Essere Essenziali Esistere
Concerts and Follies in Pergolesi's time - I Musici
Daniel and the Lions - Renz
David Manley: Recordings
Doc Powell: The Doctor
Dvorak: The Jakobin - Voloschuk
Elaine Delmar: The Spirit of the Song
Esoteric Audiophile Trip
Fausto Mesolella: Live ad Alcatraz
Flotow: Alessandro Stradella - Callegari
Fone JazzMakers: Girl of my dreams
Francesco Cavalli: Musiche sacre concertate

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