All Titles - BIS
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Tchaikovsky: Symphony 5, Swan Lake suite - Lindberg
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 1 etc. - Neeme Järvi
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 2 - Neeme Järvi
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 3, Music for the Theatre - Neeme Järvi
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 - Neeme Järvi
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 etc. - Neeme Järvi
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 - Dausgaard
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6, Francesca da Rimini - Neeme Järvi
Telemann: Ouvertures pittoresques
Ténor tenore! - Yinjia Gong, Markus Lehtinen
The Butterfly Lovers - Lu Siqing, Chung Yiu-kwong
The Golden Age of the Cornet - Ole Edvard Antonsen
The Image of Melancholy - Eike
The People Shall Hear! - The Bach Choir, The English Concert
The Red Violin: Concertos by Kuusisto & Corigliano
THEN with Stockholm Chamber Brass
Thommessen: Bull's Eye - Herresthal, Gupta
Times Go by Turns - New York Polyphony
Tishchenko: Piano Sonatas - Stavy
Tormis: Curse Upon Iron - Cecilia Rydinger Alin
Trollfågeln (The Magic Bird)
Villa-Lobos: Floresta do Amazonas - Neschling
Viñao: Arcanum - Absolute Ensemble/Järvi
Vivaldi, Hasse, Perotti, Torelli: Venetian Christmas - Arte dei Suonarti, Gester

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