Wish List - Steelers6Rings

Found: 20

Adriano Celentano: C'è Sempre un Motivo  
"C'è Sempre un Motivo" Adriano Celentano
Sony Music
518973 6
Art Pepper meets The Rhythm Section      
"Art Pepper meets The Rhythm Section"
Analogue Productions
APJ 7532
The Fascinating George Gershwin - Angelov/Eschkenazy        
"The Fascinating George Gershwin" Ludmil Angelov (piano) Vesko Eschkenazy (violin)
PentaTone Classics
PTC 5186 021
Scorpions: Moment of Glory      
"Moment of Glory" Scorpions Berlin Philharmonic
Mabel Gonzalez: La Noche del Rio de la Plata      
"La Noche del Rio de la Plata" Mabel Gonzalez
SAAL 75029
Mabel Gonzalez: Contame Una Historia      
"Contame Una Historia" Mabel Gonzalez
SAAL 73243
Copland: Appalachian Spring, Billy the Kid etc. - LSO/Copland    
Copland: Appalachian Spring, Billy the Kid, Four Dance Episodes from Rodeo London Symphony Orchestra Aaron Copland (conductor)
Sony Classical
SS 89041
Stravinsky: Le Sacre du printemps, L'Oiseau de Feu - Stravinsky    
Stravinsky: Le Sacre du printemps, L'Oiseau de Feu Columbia Symphony Orchestra Igor Stravinsky (conductor)
Sony Classical
SS 89062
Bernstein: Candide Overture, West Side Story etc. - Bernstein    
Bernstein: Candide Overture, West Side Story Dance, On the Waterfront Suite, Fancy Free New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein (conductor)
Sony Classical
SS 89043
John Lee Hooker: It Serve You Right To Suffer      
"It Serve You Right To Suffer" John Lee Hooker (guitar, vocals) David "Panama" Francis (drums) Joe Galbreath (guitar) Milt Hinton (bass) William Wells (trombone)
Analogue Productions
CIPJ 9103 SA
Paul Van Dyk: Reflections      
"Reflections" Paul van Dyk
06024 9811641
The O'Jays: Ship Ahoy    
"Ship Ahoy" The O'Jays
ZS 32408
Sarah Brightman: Eden      
"Eden" Sarah Brightman
EMI (Hong Kong)
07243 5 57795 2 6
Gotan Project: La Revancha del Tango      
"La Revancha del Tango" Gotan Project
981 878-7
Muse: Hullabaloo - Soundtrack      
"Hullabaloo - Soundtrack" Muse
Mushroom Records
Peter Gabriel: Us    
"Us" Peter Gabriel
Ry Cooder: A Meeting by the River      
"A Meeting by the River" Ry Cooder Vishwa Mohan Bhatt
Analogue Productions
Adriano Celentano: Le Volte Che Celentano e' Stato    
"Le Volte Che Celentano e' Stato" Adriano Celentano
Sony Music
513686 6
The greatest Songs of the Fifties      
"The greatest Songs of the Fifties" Elvis Presley, Guy Mitchell, Fontane Sisters, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Four Lads, Eddie Fisher, Rosemary Clooney, Patti Page, David Whitfield, Doris Day, Harry Belafonte, Dean Martin et. al.
Roy Gaines: I Got the T-Bone Walker Blues      
"I Got the T-Bone Walker Blues" Roy Gaines
Groove Note