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Discussion: Saint-Saens: The 5 Symphonies - Martinon

Posts: 6

Post by sunnydaler December 30, 2012 (1 of 6)
"Urbs Roma" symphony is split, the first movement to the second disc and the remaining to the third. How stupid.

Post by TerraEpon December 30, 2012 (2 of 6)
How bizzare. I have a CD set of this reocrding from like the early 90s and it's only on two discs.

Post by sunnydaler December 30, 2012 (3 of 6)
2005 EMI Japan release is on 2 discs.

2-disc set is 5219 yen and 3-disc set is 6629 yen. Maybe they want to earn more money by increasing the number of discs in the set.

Post by Claude December 31, 2012 (4 of 6)
Maybe they want to reassure audiophiles afraid of inner groove distortion by putting less music on a disc ;-)

Post by chenzl December 31, 2012 (5 of 6)
sunnydaler said:

"Urbs Roma" symphony is split, the first movement to the second disc and the remaining to the third. How stupid.

It looks like '3-disc for the price of 2'. But the split is so unnecessary and....stupid.

Post by Jonty January 2, 2013 (6 of 6)
Don't know why they have done this. May be it was like that in the original LP set.

I can't remember if the set came before the individual disc issues. Certainly the Penguin Guide of 1977 lists Urbs Roma with the Symphony in A major as complete on one disc.

Even the mid price double CD issue doesn't split any work.
