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Discussion: Dvorak: Symphony No. 8 - Szell

Posts: 7

Post by sunnydaler April 13, 2012 (1 of 7)

To me, the first movement feels like Szell's doing leash training his orchestra. But the other three movements are as perfect as one could wish for.

Post by RWetmore November 3, 2012 (2 of 7)
Does this have Slavonic Dances on it with the symphony?

Post by sunnydaler November 3, 2012 (3 of 7)
Yes, two of them. Op. 46 No. 3 and Op. 72 No. 2
Almost identical to the CBS recording. The use of rubato is subtly different but not much to favor one over the other.

Talking of the symphony, the first movement lacks spontaneity and joviality of the best versions but I have little or no quibble for the others. At least it's worth a listen for comparison with the 1958 CBS recording because the orchestra is clearly in better shape than it was 12 years ago and it makes a big difference in execution. Just listen to violin and brass solos.

Post by samayoeruorandajin November 3, 2012 (4 of 7)
If EMI ever releases Barbirolli's or better yet Silvestri's 8th on SACD they'll have a winner. Szell's is a nonstarter.

Post by jdaniel November 3, 2012 (5 of 7)
Kubelik all the way.

Post by operamuso November 4, 2012 (6 of 7)
I got to know the 8th from Bruno Walter's great Columbia/CBS recording - to my knowledge there isn't a better or more humane one. Sad that Sony didn't ever put it on to SACD, along with Walter's Brahms I-III.

Post by samayoeruorandajin November 4, 2012 (7 of 7)
My favorite has always been Silvestri's. Silvestri made a great 8th, along with the 7th and 9th he made. Silvestri is a deeply underrated conductor.
