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Discussion: Dutch Cello Sonatas Vol. 4 - Doris Hochscheid, Frans van Ruth

Posts: 6

Post by Beagle September 7, 2011 (1 of 6)
I got this information off the site for my own purposes; perhaps others are curious concerning the contents of Vol. 4.
H.H. Bosmans was quite the dame....

Dirk Schäfer (1873-1931)
Sonata op. 13 for Violoncello and Piano, C major
-Allegro con brio
-Adagio non troppo
-Finale: allegro assai agitato

Henriëtte Bosmans (1895-1952)
Trois Impressions
-Cortège: moderato assai
-Nuit calme: très lent
-En Éspagne: allegro con brio

Sonata for Violoncello and Piano, A minor
-Allegro maestoso
-Un poco allegretto
-Allegro molto e con fuoco

Gérard Hekking (1879-1942)
Joujou mécanique
-Allegretto ben moderato
-Danse campagnarde: allegro deciso
-Danse pour les Sakharoff: allegretto

Post by krisjan September 7, 2011 (2 of 6)
Wonderful! Thanks for posting. Looking forward to it.

Post by Fugue September 7, 2011 (3 of 6)
Thanks. I thoroughly enjoy the other volumes.

Post by Fugue November 6, 2011 (4 of 6)
This disc arrived a few days ago and it's very enjoyable (except for the Hekking--it's too lightweight and silly for my taste). For those who thought vol 3 was too dissonant, this one might be more appealing, as it is far more harmonically conservative. In fact, very little would be out of place in a Franck or Rachmaninov piece! (stylistic differences aside...) The sound is typical of MDG: rather distant and cavernous. I'd like more instrumental detail, but the balance is realistic and all of the notes are audible.

Post by canonical November 6, 2011 (5 of 6)
Fugue said:

The sound is typical of MDG: rather distant and cavernous. I'd like more instrumental detail, but the balance is realistic and all of the notes are audible.

Yes - 'the notes are audible'. That is about the best thing positive I could say about this recording. To be frank, the sonics are appalling .... 'distant and cavernous' is exactly right. Murky and congealed also come to mind. The sonics are so poor I am reluctant to judge the performances ... they are probably about a 3. The sonics are a 1. More formal review to follow, perhaps when I have some time. Avoid.

Post by krisjan November 7, 2011 (6 of 6)
Thanks for the comments on this. There are few things I dislike more than cavernous-sounding chamber music recordings. Looks like I will not order this after all.
