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Discussion: Gruber, HK: Zeitstimmung - Kristjan Järvi

Posts: 4

Post by Peter July 6, 2007 (1 of 4)
I second Seth's advice about the Chandos CD; not only is Frankenstein a hoot, it comes over particularly well for English speakers. It's well worth having in addition to the Bis SACD. Thanks for the excellent review.

Post by seth July 6, 2007 (2 of 4)
Peter said:

I second Seth's advice about the Chandos CD; not only is Frankenstein a hoot, it comes over particularly well for English speakers. It's well worth having in addition to the Bis SACD. Thanks for the excellent review.

To really appreciate Frankenstein!!, you need to see it -- it's quite visual at times. Too bad that Chandos didn't make a video recording at the same time. When I saw it live, it was probably the only time I, and the rest of the audience broke out laughing on multiple occasions during a concert.

Post by Peter July 6, 2007 (3 of 4)
seth said:

To really appreciate Frankenstein!!, you need to see it -- it's quite visual at times. Too bad that Chandos didn't make a video recording at the same time. When I saw it live, it was probably the only time I, and the rest of the audience broke out laughing on multiple occasions during a concert.

Was HK performing?

Post by seth July 6, 2007 (4 of 4)
Peter said:

Was HK performing?

Yep. Him, Rattle and The Philadelphia Orchestra.
