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Discussion: Stories - Theatre of Voices, Paul Hillier

Posts: 1

Post by canonical March 16, 2014 (1 of 1)
I purchased this just on a whim ... tempted by the fact that it is performed by Paul Hillier's superb "Theatre of Voices" and recorded by Harmonia Mundi. It is not so much pure music as performance / word collage. It is enormous fun, brilliantly recorded, not intimidating in an atonal sense ... and highly recommended for those with a certain sense of humour and a taste for musical adventure. I love it. 100% original. It also has a slightly naughty, mischievous flavour ... as in just the thing to play when your mother-in-law comes over.

The presentation is also superb - with the booklet appearing as a Roy Lichtenstein-ish comic strip. A wonderful addition to my SACD collection.

Try say track 2 on JPC to see if you are tempted ...

[ Also, there are some copies available for a great price on Amazon third party ... ]

P.S. Booklet says: "Recorded, edited & mastered in DSD"
