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Discussion: Stenhammar: String Quartets, Vol 1

Posts: 7

Post by krisjan June 15, 2013 (1 of 7)
Holey Moley! Had I known BIS were going to release these quartets I would have held off on buying the (incomplete) CPO set. I just hope that BIS will record all of the quartets (perhaps even including the unpublished quartet that was composed between 2 & 3). Top of my want list.

Post by bissie June 15, 2013 (2 of 7)
krisjan said:

Holey Moley! Had I known BIS were going to release these quartets I would have held off on buying the (incomplete) CPO set. I just hope that BIS will record all of the quartets (perhaps even including the unpublished quartet that was composed between 2 & 3). Top of my want list.

Thanks for that.

Please, however, note that the deliveries to Amazon France and Italy may be somewhat delayed because of the hiatus in the distribution world, with both my Italian distributor and the one for BeNeLux and France have declared bankruptcy. For people in those countries, you will therefore be best served by going to Amazon UK or Germany (the one in Germany should have them already now!) or, very soon now, buying directly from our homepage, until such time as the distribution in these countries has been sorted out.

Best - Robert

Post by Fugue August 4, 2013 (3 of 7)
Mine arrived a few days ago--fantastic sound and performances. Picture a Nordic version of Beethoven's middle and late Quartets as far as his style goes if you've not heard his music before.

Post by nucaleena August 5, 2013 (4 of 7)
Fugue said:

Picture a Nordic version of Beethoven's middle and late Quartets as far as his style goes if you've not heard his music before.

John, surely you jest???

Post by Fugue August 6, 2013 (5 of 7)
nucaleena said:

John, surely you jest???

Umm, no. I can hear a lot of Beethoven, and the liner notes make numerous references to Beethoven's influence. I'm not saying Stenhammar is as good--far from it! I'm just making a stylistic reference.

Post by Lute August 6, 2013 (6 of 7)
Fugue said:

... I can hear a lot of Beethoven, and the liner notes make numerous references to Beethoven's influence...

I can hear good old Ludwig. Thanks for the positive info John!

Post by krisjan August 6, 2013 (7 of 7)
I've known these quartets for years. They are wonderful! Don't have the BIS yet but will get it eventually.
