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Reviews: Brahms: Cello Sonatas - Wispelwey, Lazic

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Reviews: 5

Review by JJ June 8, 2007 (8 of 12 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:    
Dans une prise de son en pur DSD, extrêmement fouillée, précise et exemplaire, rendant aux instruments en présence leur vérité de timbre, ce Super Audio CD nous offre un programme Brahms, avec la Sonate pour piano et violoncelle en mi mineur Op. 38 qui fut achevée durant l'année 1865 et qui remporta alors un grand succès. Sans mouvement lent, elle est plutôt inspirée par la nature et sa fraicheur de ton est un de ses atouts. La Sonate pour piano et violoncelle Op. 78 qui suit, est en fait un arrangement attribué au compositeur lui même, de sa Sonate pour violon en sol majeur Op. 78. Le programme de cet enregistrement s'achève avec la transcription pour piano et violoncelle de la fameuse Sonate pour clarinette Op. 120 N°1 datant de 1894, signée par Pieter Wispelwey. Ce dernier s'interroge en préambule sur le sens de cette part de la musique de chambre de Brahms en disant : "Est-on en présence d'un Brahms du début ? Oui et non. Je pourrai tout aussi bien parler d'un roman, d'une lettre et d'une épigramme, de Goethe, de Thomas Mann et de Schopenhauer, d'une symphonie, d'un quatuor à cordes et d'un lied, ou bien encore d'un hêtre, d'un laurier-rose et d'un buisson de ronces". Accompagné au piano par Dejan Lazić, Wispelwey déploie une palette de nuances d'une extrême finesse et nous entraîne au cœur d'un univers où l'intime se pare de confidences. Un beau voyage musical.

Jean-Jacques Millo

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Review by JW June 10, 2007 (6 of 10 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:    
Translation from Jean-Jacques Millo's review: (merci JJ - je le mets sur mon 'wishlist')

Captured in pure DSD, detailed, accurate, instruments rendered with their correct timbre, this SA-CD offers us Brahms' Sonata for Cello and Piano in minor Op. 38. This Sonata was completed in 1865 and at the time a great success. Without any slow movements with program was inspired by nature and one of its great stenghts is the freshness of its approach. Next up, the sonata for piano and cello Op. 78 which is in fact an arrangement attributed to the composer himself, namely his Sonata for violin in G major Op. 78. The disc ends with the recording of a transcription for piano and cello of the famous Sonata for Clarinet, Op. 120 No. 1 dated 1894, signed by Pieter Wispelwey.

In an interview with Pieter Wispelwey he said about this particular piece: "Are we in the presence of a Brahms from the beginning? Yes and No. I might as well refer to a novel, a letter and an epigram from Goethe, from Thomas Mann and Schopenhauer, a symphony, a string quarter and a song, or beter yet a beech, or oleander or a bramble bush".

Accompanied by Dejan Lazic, Wispelwey's playing is full of nuances and extreme finesse and he treats us to a universe that is both intimate and confident. A wonderful musical journey.

Jean-Jacques Millo
Translated by JW

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Review by krisjan July 14, 2007 (9 of 9 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:  
The text for this review has been moved to the new site. You can read it here:

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Review by freeman April 13, 2009 (5 of 5 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:    
This disc reminds us why we have such an obsession with SACDs. From the very fist bars we know that we’re in for a wonderfully sublime performance and this remains with us as the last notes die away. The disc is beautifully crafted both musically and sonically. A really great performance should empty your mind of daily trivialities and take you with it. This disc does just that.

There is a real human presence and intimacy in the recording. This collaboration is a wonderful example of how chamber work can sound extraordinary using this technology. Enjoy.

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Review by joheirba November 11, 2012 (2 of 2 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:  
I am quite frustrated with this disc. The sound is very fine, very detailed and full of sonorities. Both Wispelwey and Lazié are doing everything to make this recording a top-notch performance, but for some reason I get the impression the piano is not listening to the cello.

It sounds as if the piano has been recorded separately before Wispelwey played his cello. I'm not sure whether this is actually the case, but it sounds that way. Wispelwey plays along with the piano, but never the other way round. Compare this recording to the version of Barenboim and Du Pré (on CD), where the piano "carries" the sound of the cello, and you'll understand.

The purity of the sound is amazing, the sonorities are captivating, there's punch, but I have found little or no romanticism in this Brahms recording.

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