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Reviews: Pink Floyd - The Endless River

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Reviews: 3

Review by Marpow November 14, 2014 (1 of 3 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:    
Pink Floyd The Endless River Box Set CD and Blu Ray 2014

Others will do a far better review than me, apologies in advance.

This final Pink Floyd disc did not grab me the way I wanted it to. Being a Floyd fan my whole life including seeing them twice this was a bit of a disappointment, but solely on the performance.

Performance: All instrumental, except last track. All the tracks sounded the same to me, relatively, with no certain break out sound. I remember after my third listen the only track stuck in my head was the vocal track. There where definite elements of the Pink Floyd sound through out and who could blame them as this is put together with leftovers from The Division Bell.

Stereo Sonics: The sound in the I assume 44.1Khz/24 bit CD was really good, well balanced and thoughtful recording was in place. Good to get to know the performance while driving in car with CD.

Multichannel/Blu Ray Sonics: Absolutely stunning. If you can separate yourself from the performance than the multi channel is so well put together. All speakers work evenly and a very calm tone to the whole thing. The first track has some strong feedback with guitar that I felt gave my front speakers a run for there money. Videos are OK. The best video, not on this, is the promo video from the Pink Floyd website including a good Amazon interview with Gilmore and Mason about the disc and the finality of Pink Floyd.

Packaging: A little box, gotta love it. Comes with some treats and all the recording notes you could want.

In The End: I am very pleased that Pink Floyd produced such a fine piece of work embodied in such a great box set. All high resolution at a reasonable cost. Sad that as well as this was produced it will never be a "go to" Pink Floyd recording for me by myself or when friends come over.

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Review by Rickko November 29, 2014 (5 of 6 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:  
The text for this review has been moved to the new site. You can read it here:

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Review by Catchgroove January 29, 2015 (2 of 2 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:  
As inconsequential as this release is – mere extra material from 1993’s Division Bell sessions – I love this album and it made my best of 2014 list (

Division Bell and the live follow-up Pulse have a special place in my heart. I was really into those two albums when they came out and I had the opportunity to see Pink Floyd perform in the summer of 1994 at Minneapolis’ Metrodome (the only concert I ever saw at The Dome that sounded good). I used to drag my old PA speakers out in the backyard on summer afternoon and listen to Division Bell and Pulse and smoke a cigar.

When Endless River first came out in the fall of 2014 I listening to it on Spotify. I bought the Blu-ray edition (for $36), but promptly returned it to fund the latest Wilco release. $36 just seemed too much to pay for such a throwaway album. But the damn thing kept haunting me and I just had to have it. By Christmas I repurchased the Blu-ray edition for a mere $26 – it turns out Best Buy will match other retailers – including online retailers like Amazon and Barnes and Noble (this album was available from Barnes and Noble stores for $32 and online for $26) – Best Buy’s regular price was $36!

The album is primarily instrumental and ambient. It just reeks classic Pink Floyd (think Meddle not The Wall). And lets face it, Pink Floyd is one of the greatest rock bands of all time – if they fart it is interesting – and their sound is such great ear candy you could care less how empty the calories are. There is not much to review here, other than to say if you like Pink Floyd ear worms you will like this album. I almost prefer that it is primarily instrumental. The one song with vocals is the worst cut on the album (a little to obvious bitch and boast about being Pink Floyd).

This is Pink Floyd lite – the Gilmour version – which is fine with me – I am a sucker for Gilmour’s seagull guitar sound and can live without Roger Waters heavy-handed story telling. It is the sound not the lyrics that matter with Floyd.

The Blu-ray edition comes with a Blu-ray disc and a CD so this is my big opportunity to test drive a CD vs. a high-resolution stereo (sorry no multi-channel listening for me) PCM (96kHz/24 bit) on my Oppo 105D. The Blu-ray disc also has some non-album material (which is available on Spotify – pretty cool little jams) and video material (worthless). The Blu-ray edition also includes an expanded booklet (vs. the CD edition – that means a few more pages and bigger photos) and 3 collector post cards (oh boy – should I mail them to a friend?).

What I am interested in is pure sound – does the stereo high-resolution version sound better than a CD? Yes it does. The CD sounds a bit like it has blanket over it, yet at the same time a bit harsh at dynamic moments. The PCM (96kHz/24 bit) version handles the whisper to a scream dynamics effortless. There is not the listener’s fatigue you typically have with a CD. I don’t have vinyl copy of this album to compare to – but the PCM (96kHz/24 bit) version has all that’s great about a vinyl record (warmth) without the bad (surface noise).

Is it worth twice the price of the CD? Yes if you really love the album and if you shop around it is cheaper than the vinyl. If you are Floyd fan you will like this. To hear it in a format that is as close to the source studio quality sound as you can get is a reminder of why you have a hi-fi.

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