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Chopin: Etudes Opp. 10, 25 - Perahia      (4 of 7 found this review helpful)
  July 10, 2004

A stunning recording. These performances are simply overwhelming. The sound can hardly be bettered in terms of clarity, brilliance and transparency. It is full-bodied, warm and natural in every respect. And surely there has been no pianist in recent years who can match Perahia in interpretative ... more
Classics at the Pops - Erich Kunzel          (2 of 2 found this review helpful)
  July 6, 2004

This is the most disappointing SACD I have heard so far. The sound level is very uneven, which is quite unusual for an SACD. For example, the introduction to the Grand March from "Aida" (normally sung by a chorus) is much louder than the march itself, and the trumpet sound is anything but brilliant. ... more

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