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Tchaikovsky: Violin/Piano Concertos - Nagano          (3 of 3 found this review helpful)
  February 17, 2006

The violin concerto, placed first on this disc, is for me the most enjoyable piece. It is played in a very natural manner without any excessive glitz or over indulgence. There is a good balance between soloist and orchestra, with the violin placed just in front of the orchestra. The performance ... more
Bach: French Suites - Asperen        (10 of 11 found this review helpful)
  November 13, 2005

This recording is intriguing from a historical perspective and also enjoyable. The playing of Bob von Asperen is good but to my ears has a slightly halting rhythmic flow, similar to the style of Gustav Leonhardt; personally I prefer the more flowing style of Kenneth Gilbert and his pupils. The ... more
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6, Francesca da Rimini - Neeme Järvi          (8 of 10 found this review helpful)
  October 30, 2005

This is an excellent but very different account of the Pathetique – it does not have the intense emotion of any of my other versions: what it does have is a musical unity where each section and movement is seamlessly woven together in a manner that I have not heard before. There are many very fine ... more

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