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Al Di Meola: Flesh on Flesh        (2 of 3 found this review helpful)
  January 23, 2005

I do not regard myself as a jazz expert, this does not prevent me to appreciate it. This is an album that I would call jazz techno-pop. In fact the set of instruments would be more appropriate for a pop rock album. But it is the style of music that qualifies the recording as jazz. Obviously the ... more
Mozart: Requiem - Harnoncourt        (5 of 6 found this review helpful)
  January 23, 2005

I have a love/hate relationship with this SACD. It is a splendid interpretation which pushes the Mozart requiem toward maximum dramatic intensity and which underlines contrast between the moments of acceptance and the moments of angers (or of fears of the divine). But this energy which comes partly ... more

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