
Johann Sebastian Bach - Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 in B flat major, BWV 1051

Found: 16

A Unique Classical Guitar Collection - Stockholm Guitar Quartet      
Bach, Granados, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Debussy, Sor, Peterson-Berger Stockholm Guitar Quartet Peder Riis Duodecima Stockholm Guitar Trio
Opus 3
SACD 22062
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos - Butt      
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Dunedin Consort John Butt
Linn Records
CKD 430
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos - ECO/Somary      
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos English Chamber Orchestra Johannes Somary (conductor)
Vanguard Classics
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos - ECO/Somary      
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos English Chamber Orchestra Johannes Somary (conductor)
Artemis Classics
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos - Egarr        
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1-6 Academy of Ancient Music Richard Egarr
Harmonia Mundi
HMU 807461/62
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos - Florilegium        
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Florilegium
Channel Classics
CCS SA 35914
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos - Savall      
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos BWV 1046-1051 Le Concert des Nations Jordi Savall
Alia Vox Heritage
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos - Stuttgart Chamber Orchester      
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos (complete) Stuttgart Chamber Orchester
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos - Stuttgart Chamber Orchester    
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos (complete) Stuttgart Chamber Orchester
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos - Winschermann    
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Deutsche Bachsolisten Helmut Winschermann
Crystal Classics
N 80 007
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos - Zukerman      
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Members of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra Pinchas Zukerman
PentaTone Classics
PTC 5186 205
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1, 4 & 6 - Paillard    
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1, 4 & 6 Orchestre de Chambre Jean Francois Paillard Jean-Francois Paillard (conductor)
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 4-6 - Richter      
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 4-6 BWV 1049-1051 Munich Bach Orchestra Karl Richter (conductor)
Universal (Japan)
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 5 & 6, Triple Concerto - Fasolis      
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 5 & 6 BWV 1050-1051, Triple Concerto BWV 1044 Stefano Bet (flute) Francesco Cera (harpsichord) Giovanni De Rosa (viola) Duilio Galfetti (violin, viola) I Barocchisti Diego Fasolis (conductor, harpsichord)
Arts Music
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos, Orchestral Suites - Suzuki      
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos, Orchestral Suites Bach Collegium Japan Masaaki Suzuki (conductor)
Bach: The Brandenburg Concertos - Kuijken      
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1-6 La Petite Bande Sigiswald Kuijken (conductor)
ACC 24224