
Aaron Copland - Appalachian Spring

Found: 6

Copland: Appalachian Spring, Bill the Kid - RPO/Ellis      
Copland: Appalachian Spring, Bill the Kid, Fanfare for the Common man, El Salon Mexico, Hoe-Down from "Rodeo" Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Philip Ellis (conductor)
Copland: Appalachian Spring, Billy the Kid etc. - LSO/Copland    
Copland: Appalachian Spring, Billy the Kid, Four Dance Episodes from Rodeo London Symphony Orchestra Aaron Copland (conductor)
Sony Classical
SS 89041
Copland: Appalachian Spring, El Salon Mexico etc. - Bernstein    
Copland: Appalachian Spring, El Salon Mexico, Rodeo (Four Dance Episodes), Billy the Kid (Orchestral Suite) New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernstein (conductor)
Sony Classical
SS 87327
Copland: Appalachian Spring, Hindemith - Louis Lane/Robert Shaw      
Copland: Appalachian Spring, Rodeo, Fanfare for the Common Man, Hindemith: Symphonic Metamorphosis Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Louis Lane (conductor) Robert Shaw (conductor)
Copland: Piano Concerto, El Salon Mexico, Appalachian Spring, Old American Songs - Copland et al      
Copland: Piano Concerto (Aaron Copland, piano; New York Philharmonic Orchestra; Leonard Bernstein) El Salon Mexico (Utah Symphony Orchestra; Maurice Abravanel) Appalachian Spring (London Symphony Orchestra; Antal Dorati) Old American Songs (William Warfield, baritone; Columbia Symphony; Aaron ... more
Praga Digitals
PRD/DSD 350 086
Copland:  Appalachian Spring etc - LSO/Walter Susskind      
Aaron Copland: Appalachian Spring, Morton Gould: Spirituals for String Choir and Orchestra London Symphony Orchestra Walter Susskind (conductor)
Vanguard Classics