Wish List - Lute

Found: 6

Haydn: String Quartets Op. 74 - Kocian Quartet        
Haydn: String Quartets Op. 74 Nos. 1-3 "Apponyi" Kocian Quartet
Praga Digitals
PRD/DSD 250 212
The Chants of Mary - Gloriae Dei Cantores      
The Chants of Mary - Gregorian Chant Gloriæ Dei Cantores
Gloriae Dei Cantores
GDCD 055
Liszt: Late Piano Works - Peter Toth        
Liszt: Fantasie und Fuge über B-A-C-H, Variationen über ein Motiv aus J.S. Bach's Kantate "Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen", Funérailles No. 7 aus den Harmonies poétiques et religieuses, Am Grabe Richard Wagners, Sinistre - Unstern!, Nuages gris - Trübe Wolken Peter Toth (piano)
Stockfisch Records
SFR 357.4040.2
The Chants of Angels - Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola      
"The Chants of Angels" Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola
Gloriae Dei Cantores
GDCD 051
The Chants of the Holy Spirit - Gloriae Dei Cantores      
The Chants of the Holy Spirit: Angelus bell; Ad missam in die; Reading of the Pentecost story – Book of Acts; Ad missam in vigilia; Closing bell Gloriae Dei Cantores Women's Schola
Gloriae Dei Cantores
GDCD 057
Paul Van Dyk: Reflections      
"Reflections" Paul van Dyk
06024 9811641