Wish List - Dokter

Found: 13

Mike Stern: These Times      
"These Times" Mike Stern Richard Bona Kenny Garrett Vinnie Colaiuta Will Lee Dennis Chambers Victor Wooten Jim Beard Bob Franceschini Bob Malach Bela Fleck Elizabeth Kontomanou Arto Tuncboyaclyan Don Alias Jon Herington
Larry Coryell Organ Trio: Impressions      
"Impressions" The Larry Coryell Organ Trio
Paganini: Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 4 - Henryk Szeryng      
Paganini: Violin Concerto No. 1 in D Op. 6, Violin Concerto No. 4 in D minor Henryk Szeryng (violin) London Symphony Orchestra Alexander Gibson (conductor)
PentaTone Classics
PTC 5186 178
Hiromi: Beyond Standard      
"Beyond Standard" Hiromi Hiromi's Sonicbloom
Klang der Welt: Brazil - Deutsche Oper Berlin      
Luciano Gallet, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Camargo Guarnieri, Francisco Mignone, Claudio Santoro, Ronaldo Miranda, Joao Guilherme Ripper Deutsche Oper Berlin
New Classical Adventure
Klang der Welt: Spain - Deutsche Oper Berlin      
Arbós, Palomo, Adam Ferrero, Aracil, Casas, Sánchez Verdú, Peris Lacasa Deutsche Oper Berlin
New Classical Adventure
Klang der Welt: Russia - Deutsche Oper Berlin      
Borodin: String Quartet No. 2 in D major, Rimsky-Korsakov: Quintet in B flat major for Piano, Flute, Clarinet, Horn and Bassoon Deutsche Oper Berlin
New Classical Adventure
Holst: Orchestral Works Vol. 1 - Hickox      
Gustav Holst: The Morning of the Year, The Lure, The Golden Goose, The Ballet from "The Perfect Fool" Joyful Company of Singers BBC National Orchestra of Wales Richard Hickox (conductor)
CHSA 5069
Leighton: Earth, Sweet Earth, Britten: Winter Words - Gilchrist, Tilbrook      
Leighton: Earth, Sweet Earth Op. 94, Britten: Winter Words Op. 52 James Gilchrist (tenor) Anna Tilbrook (piano)
Linn Records
CKD 329
Miles Davis: Seven Steps To Heaven      
"Seven Steps To Heaven" Miles Davis
Analogue Productions
CAPJ 8851 SA
Anthony Wilson Trio: Jack of Hearts      
"Jack of Hearts" Anthony Wilson Trio
Groove Note
GRV 1046-3
Suk: Ripening, Symphony in E major - Belohlavek      
Joseph Suk: Ripening, Symphony in E major Op. 14 New London Chamber Choir BBC Symphony Orchestra Jiri Belohlavek (conductor)
CHSA 5081
Taneyev: Cantata "At the Reading of a Psalm" - Pletnev        
Taneyev: Cantata "At the Reading of a Psalm" Op. 36 St. Petersburg State Academic Cappella Choir Boys Choir of the Glinka Choral College Russian National Orchestra Mikhail Pletnev (conductor)
PentaTone Classics
PTC 5186 038