Wish List - wpattison

Found: 7

Handel: Messiah - Davis        
Handel: Messiah Susan Gritton (soprano) Sara Mingardo (alto) Mark Padmore (tenor) Alastair Miles (bass) Tenebrae Choir London Symphony Orchestra Sir Colin Davis (conductor)
LSO Live
Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker - Kunzel        
Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker (favorite selections) Cincinnati Pops Orchestra Eric Kunzel (conductor)
Norah Jones: Come Away With Me      
"Come Away With Me" Norah Jones
Blue Note
Mozart: Violin Concertos Nos. 1, 2 & 5 - Fischer, Kreizberg        
Mozart: Violin Concertos Nos. 1, 2 & 5 Julia Fischer (violin) Netherlands Chamber Orchestra Yakov Kreizberg (conductor)
PentaTone Classics
PTC 5186 094
Luciano Pavarotti: Ti Adoro      
"Ti Adoro" Luciano Pavarotti
Decca Classics
470 635-2
Verdi & Puccini: Arias - Leontyne Price      
Verdi: Aida, Il Trovatore, Madame Butterfly, Puccini: La Rondine, Tosca, Turandot (arias) Leontyne Price
Living Stereo
Puccini: Turandot - Leinsdorf      
Puccini: Turandot Birgit Nilsson Renata Tebaldi Giorgio Tozzi Jussi Bjoerling Alessio de Paolis Mario Sereni Piero de Palma Tommasco Frascati Rome Opera Orchestra and Chorus Erich Leinsdorf (conductor)
Living Stereo