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Discussion: Haydn: The Creation - Weil

Posts: 1

Post by hiredfox January 7, 2013 (1 of 1)
There are so many excellent recordings of Haydn's choral masterpiece in the catalogue that any newcomer can risk being dismissed as yet another 'also ran'. How apt then that there has been no review or thread on here so far for this recording!

It would be a mistake to ignore this new version in which Bruno Weil takes an exhilarating and up-beat view of 'events'. The choir and soloists bring an unexpected level of sensitivity and passion to the performance and are almost faultless in their delivery with only a few minor concerns. Aided by simply stunning recording and one of the finest acoustics yet captured in stereo this disc surely must rank amongst the very best available even if not quite class leading, perhaps a little too light for some tastes.

The Gardiner version on DG has enthralled critics and listeners alike for many years, indeed it is my favourite as well even 'though RBCDs have become anathema to my ears - but von Karajan runs it close (also in my collection) judgements being based on their relative expressions of the elements of 'joy', 'mystery' and 'surprise'.

SACD has a few representations in the catalogue most notably by the LSC&O under Davis. This new version is in my view more accessible and more spirited than the LSO version and infinitely more desirable as a recording.
