Thread: Universal Japan - new releases

Posts: 35
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Post by Polarius T June 2, 2011 (31 of 35)
Arnaldo said:


Thanks, Teach. Are you going to put me in the corner with the donkey hat on, or is it an appointment upstairs that's awaiting me? I'm trembling either way.

On the other hand you could replace "CD JAPAN" (notice how I try to correct my error by now promiting them?) with any number of US (and UK) retailers and specialy stores regularly mentioned on this site and get the same 2,000,000 hit results.

What is the difference between those and w*w.C*B*N*.C*M? That the latter are not American?

Post by Polarius T June 2, 2011 (32 of 35)
zeus said:

Let me spell it out for you (and others that continually and thoughtlessly promote other vendors on this forum).

This site is supported solely by sales through the linked vendors, the upkeep of pertinent links of which is a non-trivial exercise. If you choose to buy through these links, great! If, for whatever reason you choose the buy elsewhere, no problem ... really! When however you promote other vendors the net effect is that it diverts sales from the linked vendors. If we take it to a logical extreme, sales through the linked vendors drops below some threshold that I no longer consider the site worth my while. Now you can protest your right to do whatever you want, but you may have to find somewhere else to do so if the site folds.

Zeus, I think all of us understand and also act accordingly; for that reason I, for example, make about 90% of my purchases through your links. I'm sure everyone else is doing likewise, given the value of the site. And, as stated, in my case at least those 10% aren't lost income for site-supporting vendors; had I not bought from others, I wouldn't have purchased at all. But I'm fully aware of the general point. It's well understood, and promotion, I think, has never been anyone's intent - informing was, as another poster stated above. -PT

Post by Polarius T June 2, 2011 (33 of 35)
Arnaldo said:

No need to put you in the corner with the donkey hat. You've done so yourself, repeatedly. Either way, I'll just restate my points:

"Being that is solely supported by users who buy SACDs from the links posted here, it's extremely inconsiderate, or rather, quite rude to come out here and openly promote unaffiliated sites. Posters who do so are directly depriving Zeus of the financial resources necessary to maintain's operations."

"This site should not be made a legal accomplice to those trying to openly evade their local custom taxes. As Zeus has explained, adding direct buying links from requires compliance by the vendor to some very specific technical standards, as well as extensive work to integrate them into the site."

Ufff, the barking lapdog is getting tired and has started duplicate-posting.

I guess it's hard with so many deviants around and no one to help!

Post by Morten June 2, 2011 (34 of 35)
zeus said:

Let me spell it out for you (and others that continually and thoughtlessly promote other vendors on this forum).

This site is supported solely by sales through the linked vendors, and the upkeep of pertinent links is a non-trivial exercise. If you choose to buy through these links, great! If, for whatever reason (price, availability, shipping, loyalty, service) you choose to buy elsewhere, no problem ... really! When however you promote other vendors the net effect is that it diverts sales from the linked vendors. If we take this to its logical extreme, sales through the linked vendors drops below some threshold that I no longer consider the site worth my while. Now you can protest your right to do whatever you want, but you may have to find somewhere else to do so if the site folds.

Dear Zeus

I do think there is a difference between promoting other shops in a respctless manner and helping each other finding good ways of purchasing a few extremely expensive disks. I have also for years supported your sites by buying my disks through your links. Clearly no one want to undermine your great effort! However, a sensible policy in this respect will only increase the value of your forum and thus the overall traffic on your site.

Thanks in any case for your work over the years.

All the best,


Post by Polarius T June 2, 2011 (35 of 35)
Arnaldo said:

It's so funny. You come out with your tail in between your (four) legs, apologizing to Zeus. But you just can't admit the same lapses and mistakes to others.

Quite frankly, I feel sorry for you, but mostly, for those around you (if there are any left).

Well, let's say that's the piece of bone you get in reward for your vigilance and loyal service.

Now off you go, deviants never sleep!

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