Thread: Track Skipping

Posts: 6

Post by hiredfox March 14, 2011 (1 of 6)
Am I the only one who is growing ever more tired of new threads being ruined by diverting tangential inputs usually as soon as the 5th or 6th posting on a thread. Surely it is not too difficult for members to concentrate for long enough to read the original input propositions of authors and reply to them, rather than as is often more typical steer threads immediately to the same old well-worn drumbeats.

L & G we enjoy one of the most dynamic forums on the web so let's keep the standards high otherwise many people will lose interest - as is often the case on hi-fi websites when hijacked by one or two vociferous self-styled experts who seem intent only on forcing their own narrow and unimaginative views of anything and everything down the throats of those less vocal or more compliant souls who love this hobby and the company of like minded people.

Post by hiredfox March 14, 2011 (2 of 6)
Arnaldo said:

C'mon... Freedom of though and speech will always incur in divergent opinions and on occasional overheated debates over tangential subjects (guilty as charged). It's exactly this free-range and hands-free approach that keeps this forum lively and interesting.

For a strict adherence to a state-dictated code of conduct, AKA harmony, there are plenty of websites from countries like Iran and Venezuela, while for editorialized self-censorship, we can count on our major news organizations. But for a little bit of musical anarchy, there's only

At least you stuck to the thread...

Post by rammiepie March 14, 2011 (3 of 6)
hirefox, you're beginning to sound suspiciously like Sergeant Joe Friday from the old American Television series DRAGNET in which his famous catchphrase was: "Stick to the Facts, Ma'am."

Yes, I do agree ADD is OUT and sticking to the topic at hand is definitely IN!

Thank you for your vigilance (and Vigilante posturing).

I would have definitely voted for you as Sheriff had you lived in the Wild, Wild West!

Post by porpielee March 15, 2011 (4 of 6)
rammiepie said:

hirefox, you're beginning to sound suspiciously like Sergeant Joe Friday from the old American Television series DRAGNET in which his famous catchphrase was: "Stick to the Facts, Ma'am."


Post by sibelius2 March 15, 2011 (5 of 6)
Well this is all very interesting, but what I'd really much rather talk about is...

Post by rammiepie March 15, 2011 (6 of 6)
sibelius2 said:

Well this is all very interesting, but what I'd really much rather talk about is...

....skipping this track!
