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Discussion: Berlioz, Ravel, Debussy - Gary Bertini

Posts: 4

Post by terence August 26, 2010 (1 of 4)
i assume these are probably live recordings? anybody know anything about them?

Post by Polly Nomial August 26, 2010 (2 of 4)
They are live (radio) recordings and they are a box set of the following:
Debussy: La Mer, Nocturnes - Bertini
Ravel: Piano Concerto, La Valse - Argerich, Bertini
Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique - Bertini

Arguably worth it for Argerich's Ravel alone but I'd pass on the rest...

Post by Claude August 26, 2010 (3 of 4)
These are recordings made in the mid-80's to early 90's, i.e. not hi-rez (unless they are analogue). The multichannel remix may also be entirely artificial.

Post by hiredfox September 9, 2010 (4 of 4)
The recording of Symphonie Fantastique is quite poor frankly, sounds edgy and two-dimensional and entirely contrived.
