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Discussion: Shostakovich: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 11 - Gergiev

Posts: 50
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Post by diw July 6, 2010 (1 of 50)
Well, this disc is going to be REALLY interesting. Symphony 11 recorded by SoundMirror, and Symphony 2 recorded by Classic Sound. If the 11th sounds better, perhaps it will finally "prove" what the many of us here have thought for some time.

Post by hiredfox July 7, 2010 (2 of 50)
Suppose 'though that you cannot tell the difference?

I have a feeling that Sound Mirror get sub-contracted by Classic Sounds as the Mariinsky thing appears to be a JV with LSO Live.

Post by tailspn July 7, 2010 (3 of 50)
Wrong. LSO Live is the distribution channel. Mariinsky is its own label.

Post by mahlerei July 7, 2010 (4 of 50)
Yes indeed, Mariinsky review discs come via LSO Live. The only commonality I can see is that James Mallinson is listed as producer on recordings from both labels.

Post by tailspn July 7, 2010 (5 of 50)
Correct. The label hires the producer, the producer hires the production company. While this recording, on the surface, appears to be the perfect opportunity to compare SoundMirror and Classic Sound Ltd, it is completely dependent on who masters the final product. In all but the recent Rex, SoundMirror recorded and mastered the final SACDs. Mastering establishes the balance and acoustical environment from the individual mic tracks. If this SACD has Classic just authoring the SACD, using both the SoundMirror and Classic Sound mastered sessions, it will be a stunning comparison of true ITU MC and derived MC recording techniques. If Classic Sound did the mastering of both, they both will sound the same.

Post by diw July 7, 2010 (6 of 50)
how do we find out?

Post by Fugue July 7, 2010 (7 of 50)
I hope this is as intense as his performance was in Berkeley a few years ago--he and the orchestra just about blew the roof off the hall!

Post by tailspn July 7, 2010 (8 of 50)
diw said:

how do we find out?

Hopefully one, or more of the parties will post the answer to that here. You'd be amazed how many professionals read this site. Failing that, maybe we could have a contest like Bissie ran. I can post the Annex Meter readings of the channels from a Sonoma which usually tells the story vividly.

Post by diw July 7, 2010 (9 of 50)
Fugue said:

I hope this is as intense as his performance was in Berkeley a few years ago--he and the orchestra just about blew the roof off the hall!

Yes, I am excited that the 11th is the one recorded by Soundmirror, not the other way around. If this is as good as the last Symphony disc, it will be amazing.

Post by Fugue July 11, 2010 (10 of 50)
It will be a long wait until the release date of October 18th! I guess my Pletnev and Rostropovich versions will have to do until then! (Petrenko's RBCD is pretty good, too.)

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