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Discussion: Rider on the Plains - Feldman, Phinney, Wyner, Gambill

Posts: 9

Post by raffells October 30, 2006 (1 of 9)
I was interested in this when it comes out but could do with some advice on the Fussel work.He seems a little avante garde ish for me.also the other works are of little interest apart from the cello cto .ANY body know this work or heard it...thanks

Post by BABoston October 31, 2006 (2 of 9)
raffells said:

I was interested in this when it comes out but could do with some advice on the Fussel work.He seems a little avante garde ish for me.also the other works are of little interest apart from the cello cto .ANY body know this work or heard it...thanks

I produced this recording; would certainly encourage you to check it out, for what my opinion
might be worth. Charles Fussell's "Right River" is a beautiful, lyrical work for cello and strings.
The Thomson Concerto is simply a work you shouldn't miss. And Emmanuel Feldman's playing throughout the program is--again in my opinion--richly persuasive. I'd be eager to hear what you think after
listening to it.

Post by raffells October 31, 2006 (3 of 9)
wow .
Thats pressure ...Ok..Ill get it it...but if the Fussell is weird I will post...look at my previous history......Yes I iimagine the Thomson works are super..never heard anything less than very good from him ...(how about you producing decent versions of those symphonies to replace my Naxos disc...
PS when you going to get a DSD workstation|?....Dave

Post by BABoston October 31, 2006 (4 of 9)
No pressure; I hope you like it. Would love to do Thomson symphonies and will
keep an eye out for an opportunity.
Regarding workstation, we use Pyramix.

Post by JohnFerrier October 31, 2006 (5 of 9)
If it is avant-garde-ish, I'm interested. Other sound files at Albany's site work for me, but this one didn't--"file not found". Did any of this disc happen to be recorded at the American Academy of Arts & Letters (as Albany has used for other recordings)? A favorite of mine for naturally pleasing sound.

The long-awaited recording of the Virgil Thomson cello concerto given an extraordinary performance by Emmanuel Feldman:

Post by raffells November 1, 2006 (6 of 9)
BABoston said:

Regarding workstation, we use Pyramix.

Ok not much one can say about that.Thanks..
I also couldnt get that sound file on Website to work hence the original question.Nor does the email link work...wrong email address..?
Theres also no clarity / standardization about the sacd releases on the webpage.Some are numbered sacd and clearly shown as such.Some are not..Lloyds symphonys.
Whilst we have your attention, ?.....
Any chance you can give us a clue to what else might be in the pipeline with Albany Sacd wise (like Pentatone etc do on this site) ..Dont think anything they are going to release in sacd is likely to be duplicated elsewhere..Dave

Post by BABoston November 1, 2006 (7 of 9)
I'll certainly send along the word that some sound files were not working, and the feedback
regarding identification for SACD releases. We all want to know what's what.

As for upcoming releases, we should let the label announce them on their schedule. But a recent
release which we certainly hope will attract some enthusiasm is Nathaniel Bartlett's new SACD
of marimba works by Glass, Thomas, Reich and others.

Emmanuel's Thomson/Fussell disc was recorded in two locations: Jordan Hall at New England Conservatory, and Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN (the Thomson Concerto with
the Nashville Chamber Orchestra). One location well-known and the other not, but both excellent.
On the subject of locations, Nate Bartlett's marimba disc was recorded at Mechanics Hall in Worcester, MA and Blue Jay Studios in Carlisle, MA.

And not to go on ad infinitum, but since we have been busy, we should note the new Chandos
SACD of unaccompanied choral works by Frank Martin and others:

Post by raffells November 1, 2006 (8 of 9)
BABoston said:

I'll certainly send along the word that some sound files were not working, and the feedback
regarding identification for SACD releases. We all want to know what's what.

As for upcoming releases, we should let the label announce them on their schedule. But a recent
release which we certainly hope will attract some enthusiasm is Nathaniel Bartlett's new SACD
of marimba works by Glass, Thomas, Reich and others.

Emmanuel's Thomson/Fussell disc was recorded in two locations: Jordan Hall at New England Conservatory, and Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN (the Thomson Concerto with
the Nashville Chamber Orchestra). One location well-known and the other not, but both excellent.
On the subject of locations, Nate Bartlett's marimba disc was recorded at Mechanics Hall in Worcester, MA and Blue Jay Studios in Carlisle, MA.

And not to go on ad infinitum, but since we have been busy, we should note the new Chandos
SACD of unaccompanied choral works by Frank Martin and others:

Well the link to the Mariumba works disc should proove the point re whether its clear it an sacd or not?..
As regards Clarkesville Tn We were at Nashvilles 4th July concert this year with the Nashville S O and failed to get into the new building Sym Hall.More of a construction site,we were advised to try Clarkesville which is not the Last Train to C place....Finished up at G Ole Opry..theres no sacd from there....D

Post by Deribas September 12, 2013 (9 of 9)
here was a pleasant discovery for me in more than one way. A new acquisition for me, music by Virgil Thomson, whose work I have not heard before and from a label, Albany, with which I was unfamiliar. Very early impressions are of a profoundly accessible piece (cello concerto), which is very original at the same time.

The second pleasant surprise was that I expected a stereo SACD, based on the catalog data and the disk's own cover. But no, after popping it in the Oppo player, hugely spacious sound issued forth, and indicators for multichannel DSD lit up. To be sure, there is a stereo program , too, but this is certainly a multichannel recording. Surprised it was not discussed here yet.

Lastly, for those potentially interested, this and a handful of other Albany SACDs can be had from Berkshire outlet for a very modest sum of 1.99 apiece.
