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Reviews: Grand Funk: We're An American Band

Reviews: 2

Review by downunderman June 13, 2014 (1 of 1 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:
On a whim I purchased this album. I have never been fond of American plod rock from the 70's, but determined to keep an open mind on what various musical styles may have to offer in Hi-Rez and noting that Todd Rundgren rode the faders I put my money down.

Back in the day I'm told this was a very successful album. Listening to it now it is difficult to understand why. There's no accounting for taste - mine, even.

The biggest problem though is the fidelity of the thing. The first track sounds badly distorted. The second track is not quite so bad, but is still sounds a bit off. From track three onwards all is well, though it remains a fairly flat and lifeless listen, albeit that you are clearly getting what is on the master tape. I don't know what the problem is with the first track and if anyone else has experienced the same problem it is not your system, as I initially thought.

Badly recorded?, badly mastered?, lead track (it was the hit single)run through the tape machine a few too many times? I don't know. Whatever the reason the album starts off on the wrong foot with this listener and when there is not much on offer artistically on the following tracks it is difficult to find reasons to like the album.

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Review by Marpow December 20, 2014 (1 of 3 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:
Grand Funk: We're An American Band SHM SACD Stereo 2014 Release

Short Version: Music, not that good. Packaging, fantastic.

Grand Funk Railroad's 7th studio album produced by Todd Rundgren in 1973. There is a DR 12 from 1989 but source is unknown.

I saw them once with Bloodrock at Winterland SF and all I remember is that they where very loud.

Wish I saved my money but can't win all the time. Make note that there is a master in Quad for this, I still wouldn't buy it if ever released.

Performance: A generic 70's sound by a band that I presume had a good live, at least very loud in my experience, audience following. One massive hit, We're An American Band, is probably the reason I thought being an SHM SACD that the rest will be great, which is the case many of the times. Not in this case. If the performance is great I can overcome the poor sonics as In the case for Cream's Disreali Gears SHM SACD for instance.

Stereo Sonics: How disappointing to spend well earned money on one of the best formats, SHM SACD, and get a stinker. I won't get into it because your not going to buy it but it was all over the place, loud, vocals dropping, gritty, and inconsistent. This all has to do with the original master, I am guessing. It did play loud well, I will give it that.

Packaging: I have been a collector of many things my whole life. Thank God I am not a collector of all the little Japanese boxes, but if I was this would be high on the list. Green disc. The cover that you see above is a muted gold but when you open the box the mini LP is pure foil gold, so glossy, that I don't even want to touch it for fear of fingerprints, very cool. Inner nude photo of band is weird. Mini Japanese booklet in Japanese and English Lyrics. A square sticker pack holding 4 stickers. There are no 2014 release notes in English.

This is an SHM SACD DUD.

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