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Reviews: Saariaho: La Passion de Simone

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Reviews: 1

Review by Luukas January 20, 2014 (1 of 5 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:  
Kaija Saariaho is very interesting modern composer: her compositions are mystical and colorful. "The Passion of Simone" is composer's second opera, and this, Esa-Pekka Salonen's performance is world premiere recording.
Dawn Upshaw is excellent soprano! I heard her recording of Gorecki's famous Third Symphony "Symphony of Sorrowful Songs" (NoneSuch). In this mystical work, her voice is clear. There are twelve stations, and their tells Simone Weill's life. The music is calmly and beautiful, and Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra plays perfect. This recording was made at the Helsinki Music Centre, and its deep and long acoustics is good for this work. Esa-Pekka Salonen is excellent Saariaho conductor. He understands this music. Ondine label's multichannel recording is excellent: it brings this work's world very close. This is very interesting work and very interesting recording.

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