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Reviews: Ulli Bogershausen: Personal Favourites

Reviews: 1

Review by analogue February 11, 2009 (0 of 1 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:
If you like guitar music.....that is a single individual who will sit before you playing acoustic guitar..and if it doesn't bother you to sit there for about an hour or more.....then I cannot recommend this sacd to you any more forcefully. The sound, recorded in pure DSD, is shockingly good. It sounds like a real guitar. The playing is absolutely wonderful.....a sort of folky.....bluesy...kind of.... hard to explain. The tracks are not overly long but played beautifully and with feeling. I am tempted to say that this is a perfect relaxing sacd where you could just press play and do something else. But the sound commands you to really listen to the music.

This sacd is a real winner. I love guitar music and own a nice little batch of them. Some mastered from analogue tapes and some recorded pure dsd. This is easily one of the best ones I own. Digital recording at it's best. Highly recommended. Superb mastering and recording.

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