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Reviews: ML: Leaving

Reviews: 1

Review by Marc P March 1, 2003 (1 of 1 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:
ML is a Dutch singer, and Leaving is her debut album.
My introduction to this artist was at a SACD demo organized by Polyhymnia (the Dutch recording studio famous for their Pentatone label and recording for Philips, Universal and Telarc.) and HVT ( a Dutch magazine).
At the time of this demonstration the disc wasn’t released yet, but ML made a lasting impression on a lot of people who were there that day. As soon as I did come out I bought a copy.
At home I had my first chance to listen to the whole album. And I must admit I was not disappointed. In fact it’s pretty good. ML filled her album with a mixture of Jazz, Funk and Soul, which makes the album a pleasant listing experience.

This album isn’t one of my favourite SACDs. But it is in my top 20 and gets a reasonable amount of play.

I have had only one chance to listen to the MCH mix and it’s the time of mix where the background singers are exactly that, in the background behind you. Strange experience and not my cup of tea. But it would probably impress the hell out of the home theatre crowd.

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