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Reviews: Sauce: Waiting for Godiva

Reviews: 2

Review by Tom February 25, 2003 (1 of 1 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:
I play the CD layer of this hybrid in my car a lot. It contains standard tunes, but played at a slower tempo than you've ever listened to them. It took me a while to used to this. There's a male and female singer, often harmonizing, but sometimes each singing a portion of a tune. The recording is very clear, but they must have placed the mikes very close to the instruments. The instruments sound as if they are twice the size and about 3 feet away.

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Review by Marc P March 1, 2003
Performance:   Sonics:
Here it is, this is the worst SACD I own. Even the fact is was for free and I only paid for shipping still means I paid too much for this.
The first time I listen to it I wasn’t sure to laugh or cry. The second time I listen to it, I was pretty sure it was laughable. The third time I was ready to cry again. I will probably never play this disc again. As far as I am concerned it is a complete waste of time and money.

On the recording side no complaints.

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