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Reviews: Simon Shaheen, V. M. Bhatt: Saltanah

Reviews: 1

Review by mwagner1962 June 6, 2005 (6 of 6 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:
This is my second WaterLily Acoustics SACD (the first is the Mahler #5 which is actually available). I will say that I have absolutely no other recording to use as a comparison, so here goes.

As an avid fan of world music, I am interested in any sort of music from Africa, Asia, India, Arabic, etc..and this SACD is a superb example of the combination Indian/Arabic music. We have two absolute masters of their instruments, VM Bhatt on a mohan vina (which is something close to a guitar) and Simon Shaheen on an instrument (I do not know how to make the wavy lines on top of the letters to correctly identify these names) that is very similar to a western lute.

Though I have never heard these instruments before, I can say that these two gentlemen are masters of their instruments and play with a high level of virtuosity. It is quite easy to recognize the amazing talent these two have.

Each track starts slowly and builds in intensity, and in the later tracks, the two are joined by two other musicians (Ronu Mahjumdar, on the bansuri (a flute like instrument)) and the other, Sangeeta Shankar playing a non-western violin. The addition of these two add another magical layer to the music.

The recording is simply top notch. I have decided that what makes WaterLily recordings sound so natural is that Kavi Alexander starts the whole process with analogue masters, and then makes the transfers to DSD. The sound is simply stunning!!! I can add no more than this!!! If only other labels could get this natural sound!!

One final mention is the incredibly informative booklet. Unlike the self serving booklets in other SACDs that offers little in the way of information, the booklet here is full of history, music theory, and other fascinating tidbits!!

For those of you who like to explore world music, this is it!!! If you want to hear two masters play their hearts out, this is it!!! If you want a fabulous sounding recording, this is it!!!

VERY highly recommended!!!!

***** I am going to add an extra bit here...if you are interested in this SACD, order it ASAP as supplies of many of the WaterLily CDs/SACDs are limited or are out of print for the time being!!!

******* The Mahler #5 is up and I have posted a review!!!!!

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