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Reviews: After Forever: Remagine

Reviews: 2

Review by racerguy October 1, 2005 (2 of 3 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:  
What a waste of money this turned out to be! I'm a closet metal fan, so I had to get this disc. After Forever has been hyped quite a bit in Europe, and they count several bands I like as influence. Unfortunately, the influence didn't have as much of an effect as could be hoped.

In a nutshell, the only thing this band has going for it is their singer - a young, tall brunette woman with a very powerful soprano voice. The music itself is about as formulaic as it gets - nearly every song sounds the same.

As to sonics, I am primarily a stereo-only listener. Perhaps the surround-sound mix is what made this release worth putting on SACD; I don't know. The stereo sonics are pretty bad. Bass and drums are dense, murky, indistinct. Treble is tipped up, making guitars rather piercing instead of crunchy. As I mentioned, the singer has a powerful soprano, but there's so much reverb and phase effects put on her voice that it is blurry-sounding most of the time.

I've heard run-of-the-mill heavy-metal Redbook CDs that are superior recordings/transfers.

My recommendation is to avoid this disc unless you really like buying listen-once kind of stuff.

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Review by arielext January 14, 2006 (2 of 3 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:    
I have been a fan of this band since the beginning, this is the first album they put on SA-CD. I only listened to the multi-channel version at home, and ripped the redbook for portable usage.
They tend to mix a lot of extra dynamics in the mc mix which is a bit overdone for me. Sonicly it's a fine CD imho, centrainly heard worse cd's from the same label (Epica of instance).
A must-have for the real fans, a nice addition for the rest.

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