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Reviews: Helmet of Gnats

Reviews: 3

Review by analogue April 15, 2009 (5 of 6 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:  
I really enjoyed this sacd. I took a chance, listened to samples of the music on the Ambient site and purchased it.

I was very impressed. This is an enjoyable album to listen to.

If you like progressive rock with a taste of jazz then this might be up your alley. I detected certain influences in their playing. It's a hodge podge of different styles like a little bit of Jeff Beck, perhaps Yes.........maybe Rush. And others as well. Its very subtle but its there.

There is alot of talent and musicianship to be had here. The playing is top notch as is the recording. They play well together too.

Perhaps the soundstage could be a tad wider but the insruments are rendered in good detail and lifelike relief. The sound is thick with very good drum sound. The guitar work is excellent as is the keyboards and bass. My only other complaint is that certain tracks sound alike at times.

Recommended if you like new, experimental prog rock fusion music.

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Review by progboy October 8, 2012
Performance:   Sonics:  
The Helmet Of Gnats released this debut album in 2004 on SACD mixing fusion and progressive Rock somewhere in the Deep Purple meets Mahavishnu Orchestra meets King Crimson camp.

The Gnats were a 4 piece band with Mark Conese on the drums, Chris Fox on the Guitars, Matt Bocchino on keys and Wayne Zito on the bass.

If you like fusion music then this instrumental album will be a nice surprise. These guys mix great keyboard and guitar interplay with intricate bass and drums in support.

Sound wise this is an excellent SACD with a nice full wide sound offering crystal clear instrumental separation and some pretty groovy deep vibes. These guys were an excellent band !

Highly recommended to fans of instrumental rock fusion with some heavy progressive rock elements.

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Review by cooltype937 March 5, 2013
Performance:   Sonics:    
I agree with the two previous reviews but I think the influences are more Soft Machine and Alan Holdsworth than what the other reviewers think. I would also like to point out that the multi-channel mix is 5.0 not 5.1. Doesn't make a heck of a lot of difference, at least on my system where crossovers route everything below 80mhz to the sub woofer anyway.

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