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Reviews: Rameau: Pieces de Clavecin en Concerts - Podger/Pinnock/Manson

Reviews: 1

Review by stvnharr December 5, 2003 (3 of 3 found this review helpful)
Performance:   Sonics:
*** May 21,2004 ****This is a complete revision of my December review.
I've had this recording for some time now, first as a cd, and now as sacd since purchase of sacd player in the past year. I have always liked the close sound of Channel cd's as the sound of the instruments is so close and immediate, almost like being on the stage with the musicians. With sacd the sound seems to be even more close, and certainly bigger.
I find these Rameau pieces to all be quite good and enjoyable listening.
There is a certain intimacy here with the close sound of the recording. In a smallish listening room and a close sound, it is almost as if the musicians are in the room. There is only the instrumental sound, not much in the way of recording venue ambiance. The ambience that one really does hear is one's listening room.
I for one rather enjoy this. I never cared to listen to small chamber groups from seated afar, I always enjoy sitting more up close.

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