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Ravel: Bolero - Boulez        (3 of 9 found this review helpful)
  September 30, 2004

Has anyone else noticed that the channels are reversed on the Stereo SACD layer? For example, on Bolero, the constant drum playing should come from the left-rear, but on this disc it comes from the right-rear instead. I had the same problem with the Mobile Fidelity Hybrid Multichannel SACD (MOB ... more
Ravel: Bolero, Orchestral Works - Skrowaczewski        (0 of 4 found this review helpful)
  September 30, 2004

Has anyone else noticed that the channels are reversed on the Stereo SACD layer ? For example, on Bolero, the constant drum should come from the left-rear, but on this disc it comes form the right-rear instead.

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