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Mahler: Symphony No. 6 - Inbal        (4 of 5 found this review helpful)
  February 5, 2015

This is a very well put together Mahler 6. Rhythmically taught, strong when it needs to be, and very subtle at other times. I've always felt that most recordings of this work are very nostalgic, our hero seems to be looking back on battle past. This recording is very in the moment, and forward ... more
Mahler: Symphony No. 7 - Inbal        (6 of 6 found this review helpful)
  November 5, 2014

Inbal gives a very musical reading of the 7th. Similar to Zinman, but much darker and more rustic in sound and, very mature. The tempos are fairly unified through out the movements, but it doesn't feel that way. He actually speeds up the central section of the 1st movement, while keeping the march ... more
Mahler: Symphony No. 3 - Mácal          (5 of 5 found this review helpful)
  September 15, 2012

Having just recently gotten my hands on this disc, I thought I would put down some thoughts about it. This is a good performance of one of Mahler's most difficult works. His first movement is a bit on the quick side, coming in at 32:10. The pace works for certain sections, especially the lighter ... more
Mahler: Symphony No. 1 - Fischer          (22 of 26 found this review helpful)
  August 8, 2012

I guess I will start at the beginning. The opening of the 1st movement, that A chord, the descending 4ths, is absolutely sublime. It was almost like hearing it for the first time. No tension, just pure sound. I must point out the trumpet fanfares and how much I enjoyed that they were in the distance ... more

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