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Dvorak: Symphony No. 8, Brahms: Symphony No. 3 - Karajan        (3 of 5 found this review helpful)
  July 14, 2010

I'll start with a question. Why do strange folk like me buy stupidly expensive SACD remasters of 40-50 year old analog recordings? Are we totally deranged? Yes, of course, that goes without saying, but anyway... 1) For great, classic performances or 2) For great old analogue sound 3) On a really ... more
Tchaikovsky: Symphonies Nos. 4, 5 & 6 - Mravinsky        (10 of 20 found this review helpful)
  July 14, 2010

I'll start with a question. Why do strange folk like me buy stupidly expensive SACD remasters of 40-50 year old analog recordings? Are we totally deranged? Yes, of course, that goes without saying, but anyway... 1) For great, classic performances or 2) For great old analogue sound 3) On a really ... more

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