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Shostakovich: Symphony No. 11 - Rostropovich          (7 of 7 found this review helpful)
  March 1, 2005

Just finished listening. Damn I had forgotten how much I loved this symphony. The good news to report is that both 2 and multi-channel SACD relieve much of the congestion and claustrophobia of the redbook edition. Strings are miraculously warm considering how closely recorded they are, and bass drum ... more
Holst: The Planets - Susskind        (6 of 7 found this review helpful)
  November 8, 2004

There's no denying that this is an excellent recording--very roomy with incredible bloom, impact, and yes, a satisfying organ contribution--*and* a mostly inspired, sometimes unique performance. The armies of "Mars" don't march by as anonymously as one might be used to--the occasional solos are ... more
Saint-Saëns: Piano Concertos Vol. 1 - Malikova/Sanderling        (6 of 6 found this review helpful)
  November 6, 2004

So soon to have complete Saint Saens Piano concerti on the Audite label with Anna Malikova on the piano accompanied by T. Sanderling and the WDR Orchestra, Koln. The 2nd and 4th concerti, (vol. 1), need no intro, but if you don't know the 3rd and esp. the 5th, they are gems. Some beautiful poetic ... more
Saint-Saëns: Piano Concertos Vol. 2 - Malikova/Sanderling        (4 of 4 found this review helpful)
  November 6, 2004

So soon to have complete Saint Saens Piano concerti on the Audite label with Anna Malikova on the piano accompanied by T. Sanderling and the WDR Orchestra, Koln. The 2nd and 4th concerti, (vol. 1), need no intro, but if you don't know the 3rd and esp. the 5th, they are gems. Some beautiful poetic ... more
Gershwin, Ravel: Piano Concertos - Pascal Rogé        (10 of 10 found this review helpful)
  October 30, 2004

A winning disc. Who would have thought: Ravel and Gershwin Piano concerti on SACD so soon--and with Pascal Roge no less! Roge tosses off an exciting and fragrant performance of the Ravel. Listen to the tocatta-like material in the first mov't--if this doesn't raise the hairs I don't know what will. ... more

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