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Nielsen: Orchestral Music - Dausgaard        (8 of 9 found this review helpful)
  April 7, 2007

I have a fair number of Nielsen discs in my collection and love his music inordinately. Neeme Jarvi's disc of overtures etc has long been a favourite, but this has to be heard to be believed. Quite frankly, I don't think I've ever heard any Nielsen quite so convincingly player or conducted, and ... more
Vaughan Williams: Pastoral Symphony etc. - Hickox        (6 of 8 found this review helpful)
  April 7, 2007

I've only recently bought an SACD player, so I've mainly listened to this release in stereo. Having run through the disc several times now it seems like a very fine performance to me. I'm also a big fan of the Handley, Haitink, and Previn versions, but this more than holds its own in that very great ... more

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