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Mediterranean Sounds, Croatia's Mystic Voices - Klapa FA Lindjo        (1 of 1 found this review helpful)
  January 15, 2006

As a new comer to the klapa scene, I was blown away by the male klapa singers. Then I heard the women! Who would have guessed that one country could produce two incredible soul satisfying sounds? No need to understand Croatian, this music plays to the inner most part of your humanity. It cannot be ... more
Mediterranean Sounds, Croatia's Mystic Voices - Klapa Sinj        (1 of 1 found this review helpful)
  January 15, 2006

As a die hard Classic Rock fan, I couldn't believe how much I liked this music. Don't get me wrong - this is Not Rock - it is a whole new level music that I had not heard before. In my attempt to simplify and enjoy the pleasures of life, klapa was God-sent. Just stop, close your eyes, and Listen to ... more

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