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Mahler: Symphony No. 5 - Temirkanov          (11 of 15 found this review helpful)
  August 6, 2005

I am not totally unprejudiced here(I worked on the surround mastering of this). But leaving the surround aside, I think the Adagietto here is one of the most beautiful recorded things ever. It really makes you understand why both Solti and Bernstein(as I am informed) wanted this piece played at ... more
Svetlanov: Piano Concerto, Scriabin: Symphony No. 3 - Dmitriev        (7 of 10 found this review helpful)
  August 5, 2005

The review by DSD is entirely off the mark in my opinion. (I worked on the surround sound on the other two recent Waterlily orchestral recordings and have heard all three of the recordings not only on many private audiophile systems, including my own calibrated reference monitoring system, but also ... more

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