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Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique - Munch        (5 of 6 found this review helpful)
  February 20, 2006

Picked this up about a week ago. I have always heard good things about this recording. Yet, never owned it in any incarnation before. As a performance, the strongest parts have to be, to me any way, the first and last movements. I dare say, the march to the scaffold is less harrowing than many other ... more
Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra etc. - Zoltan Kocsis        (2 of 6 found this review helpful)
  December 24, 2005

In comparing recordings, I was trying to compare Kocsis and Eschenbach. The sound for the Kocsis is more alive and real. The performance is one of the best. It has the requisite flavor and spice. The extras are a real bonus as well. If you enjoy Bartok, get this recording. when you compare ... more
Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra - Eschenbach        (3 of 4 found this review helpful)
  December 24, 2005

I was looking forward to this recording a great deal. Previews said this would be great, As beautifully played as this recording is, it has no spice or flavor. It is missing the paprika. So well played without character. So, as Bartok goes, get Reiner or Kocsis. Just recieved the Kocsis, it is ... more
Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique - Paray        (5 of 7 found this review helpful)
  October 29, 2005

This is an outstanding version of the Berlioz. I have Solti, Norrington, Boulez, Davis, and Gergiev. The Gergev was good. But after hearing this recording, not many compare. Solti is pure high energy. Gergiev is now disappointing. The Paray has some very individual touches in tempo that are ... more
Bartok: The Miraculous Mandarin - Alsop        (3 of 3 found this review helpful)
  August 25, 2005

I would agree with the previous review. This is a beautiful recording. The orchestra executes it well. Yet, I find there is not enough growl and anger in it. When one compares, you might find Chailly on Decca, Boulez on Sony, and Ivan Fisher with Budapest better. In fact, I really like the Fisher ... more

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