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Stravinsky: Rite of Spring, Firebird Suite - Fischer          (8 of 12 found this review helpful)
  September 22, 2012

First I have to say I totally agree with (Castor)Graham Williams' review. This a Rite like I have never heard before, never! Like the Devil him(her?)self had something to do with it. Scary is the word. Hair-raising experience, really. What energy, what pagan-dance. Stamping rhythms, crying ... more
Beethoven: Diabelli Variations - Gary Cooper          (5 of 6 found this review helpful)
  June 5, 2012

This is my first review here, and there is a reason why this is the first! I find Coopers play absolutely mesmerizing on this glorious restored instrument. He really understands this music as far as I can judge. The sound is as good as it get and I can say this with some degree of certainty because ... more

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