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Bruckner: Symphony No. 8 - RCO/Haitink          (10 of 13 found this review helpful)
  August 8, 2005

The acoustics of "Het Concertgebouw" are ideal for this work and Haitink is a great guide. He uses the Haas 1887/1890 Hybrid Version. Substantially there seems not much changed in Haitink's ideas about this work throught the years. But he shows a profound insight, taking the tempi a bit slower, ... more
Dvorak: Symphony No. 9 - Jansons        (4 of 5 found this review helpful)
  April 16, 2005

Superb orchestra playing, hear these woodwinds. Conductor and orchestra seems to be very happy with each other. There are a lot of "New World" recordings but Jansons is surely competitive with the great ones with Fischer, Kondrasjin, Harnoncourt en Kubelik. This CD is a jewel both in the freshness ... more

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