
George Butterworth - On the Banks of Green Willow

Found: 2

Butterworth, Stephan: The End of Time - Abdullah      
George Butterworth (1885-1916): Two English Idylls (1911); A Shropshire Lad (1912); The Banks of the Green Willow (1913) Rudi Stephan (1887-1915): Music for 7 string instruments (1911); Music for orchestra (1912) Ensemble Aix Sinfonieorchester Aachen Kazem Abdullah
Coviello Classics
COV 91418
Vaughan Williams: London Symphony - Hickox      
Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 2 "A London Symphony" (original 1913 version), Butterworth: On the Banks of Green Willow London Symphony Orchestra Richard Hickox (conductor)
CHSA 5001