
Johann Sebastian Bach - Cantata "Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd", BWV 208 (Hunt Cantata)

Found: 2

Bach: Hunt Cantata - Suzuki      
Bach: Sinfonia in F major BWV 1046a/1, Cantata "Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd" BWV 208 (Hunt Cantata), Cantata "Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht" BWV 134a (Serenata) Sophie Junker (soprano) Joanne Lunn (soprano) Makoto Sakurada (tenor) Roderick Williams (baritone) Damien Guillon ... more
Gloria - Simona Saturova, Collegium Marianum      
Handel: Joshua (Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre); Messiah (Pifa; Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion); Samson (Let the bright Seraphim in burning row); Gloria Cantata (Gloria in excelsis Deo) Bach: excerpts from BWV 151, 208, 248 Johann David Heinichen (1683-1729): Pastorale per la notte di natale, SeiH ... more
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