
George Frideric Handel - Oratorio "Samson", HWV 57

Found: 5

Gloria - Simona Saturova, Collegium Marianum      
Handel: Joshua (Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre); Messiah (Pifa; Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion); Samson (Let the bright Seraphim in burning row); Gloria Cantata (Gloria in excelsis Deo) Bach: excerpts from BWV 151, 208, 248 Johann David Heinichen (1683-1729): Pastorale per la notte di natale, SeiH ... more
Ars Produktion
ARS 38 134
Handel: Arias - Renee Fleming        
Handel: Arias Renee Fleming Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Harry Bicket (conductor)
Decca Classics
475 618-6
Handel: Samson - McGegan      
Georg Friedrich Handel: Samson HWV 57 Sophie Daneman (soprano) Franziska Gottwald (alto) Thomas Cooley, Michael Slattery (tenor) William Berger, Wolf Matthias Friedrich (bass) NDR Chor FestspielOrchester Göttingen Nicholas McGegan (conductor)
Handel: Un momento di contento - Christoph Genz      
Georg Friedrich Handel: Un momento di contento, Arias for Tenor Christoph Genz (tenor) Julia Wagner (soprano) Händelfestspielorchester Halle David Timm (conductor)
Coviello Classics
COV 20808
The People Shall Hear! - The Bach Choir, The English Concert      
"The People Shall Hear! - Great Handel Choruses" Carolyn Sampson Robin Blaze The Bach Choir The English Concert David Hill